Kennedy Space Center

Date 01/23/2024
Teacher Bradford, Rosa
School JD Parker School of Science, Math & Technology
Grade 4th Grade
Subject STEAM - Science, Tech, Engineering, Arts and Math

This field trip ties into so many of our 4th grade standards and has already been approved by the district. Our hope is to go May 14, 2024. The busses our district requires us to choose from have doubled in price, so our 2 busses alone are over $4,000 and our entrance tickets and food vouchers are over $4,000 for 90 students and 5 teachers. Our hope is to raise at least $4000 to help pay for the cost of the busses there.


We integrate multiple fourth-grade learning standards into this trip. Students learn about our solar system, satellites, rockets, earth changes, force and motion, energy, and engineering. Not only do they explore the center, but they have the unique privilege to meet astronauts, engineers, and scientists.


Not only is this field trip filled with multiple learning opportunities that connect directly into our science learning, but this opportunity inspires students to "dream big" and take an interest in STEM learnings and future careers.


Title Amount
Busses $4,000.00
Total $4,000.00

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Amount to Reach Goal: $4000.00

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Program Partners

Tami Karol Insurance
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Current Funding

$0.00 / $4,000.00

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