Feeling Buddies (Conscious Discipline)

Date 04/25/2023
Teacher Hyland, Dorothy
School Bessey Creek Elementary (BCE)
Grade Kindergarten
Subject Social/Emotional Learning

To provide the Feeling Buddies toolkit to my students as a way to support positive behavior.


I have been teaching Conscious Discipline (CD) for over 30 years. This year was the first time I learned about the Feelings Buddy program which is an important component of CD.

The Feeling Buddies toolkit uses feelings faces to help explain to students that feelings are normal and they don’t go away. We will explore how to handle these feelings while continuing our learning at school with minimal or no disruption in the classroom.


This toolkit will support positive classroom behaviors to maximize student learning.


Title Amount
Feeling Buddies Toolkit $422.00
Total $422.00

Fund Now

This project is fully funded.

Program Partners

Tami Karol Insurance
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Current Funding

$422.00 / $422.00

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  • Technical Marine Supply