5th Grade Sunshine State Books

Date 06/10/2023
Teacher Reuillon, Brooklyn
School Warfield Elementary
Grade 5th Grade
Subject Reading

To read all of the 2023-24 Florida Sunshine State books with my class.


I have set a goal for my 5th grade class to read all of the 2023-24 Florida Sunshine State books as a class. However, it is quite expensive to purchase each of the books by myself. With support, I could make this goal a reality for my students and I!


Helping to promote a love of reading in 5th grade students at Warfield Elementary.


Title Amount
Honestly Elliot $8.99
Secondhand Dogs $9.99
Odder $16.99
Better with Butter $8.99
The Haunted Mustache $6.99
Solimar: The Sword of the Monarchs $9.99
The Area 51 Files $14.99
The Curse on Spectacle Key $16.99
Strangeville School is Totally Normal $7.99
Swim Team $12.99
Good Dogs on a Bad Day $8.99
Stuck $16.99
The Raven Heir $16.99
Bedhead Ted $10.99
Glitch $9.99
Total $178.85

Fund Now

This project is fully funded.

Program Partners

Tami Karol Insurance
Your Logo Here

Current Funding

$178.85 / $178.85

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  • Cynthia Oakowsky