WLC Garden Project

Date 08/08/2023
Teacher St. Surin, Tyisha
School Willoughby Learning Center
Grade 6-8
Subject Science

Provide a garden where students could receive a hands-on STEAM learning experience.


WLC's garden will be composed of edible items such as tomatoes, lettuces, and pumpkins. The student would also use these gardening skills to assist with beautifying the school with flowers and other foliage. All course teachers will be involved with the mathematics of planting materials needed to writing a journal entry reflecting on experiences in the garden.


Students would benefit from this garden as a way to socialize with peers and learn ownership along with responsibility.


Title Amount
Raised Garden Beds $120.00
Soil $150.00
Hand shovels $50.00
Total $320.00

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Amount to Reach Goal: $260.00

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Program Partners

Tami Karol Insurance
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Current Funding

$60.00 / $320.00

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  • Jeanine Webster and Mel Nobel