Kindergarten zipper travel bags

Date 08/08/2023
Teacher Lloyd, Jennifer
School SeaWind Elementary
Grade Kindergarten
Subject Literacy

To provide all Kindergarten students with sturdy zipper bags so that they can travel with their FUNdations groups to other classes for leveled groups.


Requesting 8 sets (96) 16.9 x 12.4 zipper bags for each student in Kindergarten. These sturdy bags will hold the student's FUNdations materials so they can travel with them easily to other classrooms for leveled groups.


Separating students into differentiated groups for FUNdations will help move them forward in learning their letters and sounds more quickly.


Title Amount
8 - 16.9x12.4 in (12 Pack), Extra Large Waterproof Zipper Pouches $207.00
Total $207.00

Fund Now

This project is fully funded.

Program Partners

Tami Karol Insurance
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Current Funding

$207.00 / $207.00

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  • Education Foundation of Martin County